Web architecture
+ design

On every page and at every touchpoint, we deliver engaging, tone-perfect, informative, killer content.

Content is king. It may be a cliche, but it couldn’t be more true for website development.

We approach website architecture a little different to others. Sure, we’ll make your site pretty as all heck and function like a dream, but what differentiates Clap Clap Creative is our brand storytelling. On every page and at every touchpoint, we deliver engaging, tone-perfect, informative, killer content.

Having created site architecture and content for everything from one-pagers to sites with 300+ pages, we know how to tell your story consistently to guide users through their click-journey on your site.

We take your content and make it user-friendly and Google-happy. Our focus is always on the user. Whatever makes most sense for the user, that’s what we’ll do - this includes what information lives on what pages, how much content per page, where the next click will take them (and the one after that, and the one after that), the best way to consume information on each page, where it makes sense to add charts and graphs and explainer videos.

We have a knack for complex websites - sites with dozens or hundreds of pages, sites for regulators, sites with complicated user journeys, sites without a clearcut direction. But we love simple sites too, where we can be playful and creative.

A website project with us might feature:

  • audience research

  • user and organizational interviews

  • user-journey plotting

  • competitor analysis

  • wireframes (lo-fi and hi-fi)

  • content planning

  • content writing

  • creation of storytelling devices (charts, videos, explainers, infographics)


