
We take the time to understand what it is you want to say - however complicated that might be - and then we break it down and simplify the message.

We love clarity, simplicity, honesty. And we despise confusion, vagueness, complexity.

We take your messaging and we tell your story in a simple way, so that your meaning is clear, your audience is engaged, and everyone understands exactly what needs to be understood.

Comms don’t have to be stuffy or boring. Comms can be interesting, even exciting. But the 100% most critical thing your comms absolutely must be: crystal clear.

What could be worse than your important information getting misinterpreted or misread? Nothing. What’s worse than emails and notices that are too dense, poorly laid out, or overly complex? Nothing. So, that doesn’t happen with us. We take the time to understand what it is you want to say - however complicated that might be - and then we break it down and simplify the message, so it engages as well as informs.

We have experience writing about everything from healthcare and finance to wrestling and kittens. We’ve written about cannabis, assisted dying, politics, medical research, insurance, real estate, crime and justice, consumer behaviour, travel, food, accounting, and so much more. Of course, we’re experts in none of these things - but that’s why we’re so good. We don’t need to be the experts. We take expert input (from you), as well as research and interviews, to guide our content.

Reach out to discuss any of your comms needs, including:

  • External communications

  • Internal communications

  • Member communications

  • Letters and newsletters

  • Executive speeches

Executive ghostwriting

Don’t have the time to research and craft content, but want to share your thoughts on a subject and garner feedback. Let us help. We’ve ghostwritten for CEOs and others in the C-Suite, VPs and Directors, property moguls, government departments, and even a prime minister.

We find the hook, do the work, pretty it all up. Then we slap your name on it and *poof* it’s like we never existed. That masterful piece we created is yours forevermore.

Get in touch if you need ghostwriting services for: Blogs, LinkedIn posts, social media, report intros.


