
We consolidate your feedback, juice it up, and articulate your story - so that your brand, your voice, and your vision stand out among your competitors and peers.

Why is your brand identity so important? Ultimately, everything you do stems from your brand identity. Everything. Your vision, mission, and values. Your short and long-term strategic direction. Your look and feel. What you say and how you say it. Your brand identity sets the scene for all your brand storytelling.

Clap Clap Creative helps you stand out, no matter the size or stage of your business. We enhance established brands looking for a refresh, companies just finding their feet and looking to grow, and brands that haven’t launched yet and are figuring out who they want to be.

You may have a great product, concept, or service, but why should your audience care? What makes you special, different, interesting? How do you stand out to your target market? Through your brand identity.

Through our collaborative process, we interview and workshop with your team to get to the heart of who you are, who you want to be, and how you want to be known. We consolidate your feedback, juice it up, and articulate your story - so that your brand, your voice, and your vision stand out among your competitors and peers.

We customize our approach to deliver what you want and need from your brand identity. It might consist of:

  • Creation of vision statement, mission statement, values, and positioning statement (these are researched and crafted to guide your brand strategy now and long into the future)

  • Full verbal branding and style guides (these ensure consistency across all channels and touchpoints, and are designed to be shared and followed by

  • Company and campaign logos, icons, imagery

  • Training and workshops to onboard your executive, customer service, communications, and marketing teams on how to use your brand
